Hockey Dreams enables a better future through hockey. Community-based learning is co-created in Hockey Dreams Hubs. Coaches benefit from both formal and non-formal education. Coaches are positive role models and create a safe space for thousands of kids. Kids can engage in weekly trainings, or participate in camps or leagues. Besides hockey, there is attention to a social theme and to life skills. Together they play, share, learn and grow. Together, the coaches and players of today, are the game changers of tomorrow.
The Santa Shoebox Project originated in 2006 with 180 shoeboxes. In 16 years it has reached a total of 1 077 289 underprivileged children. The shoeboxes are distributed to more than 1000 recipient facilities each year, through more than 60 satellites around South Africa and Namibia. Donors give gifts of essential items and treats to children whose names, ages and genders are known. The minimum 8 required items are a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a wash cloth, sweets, a toy, school supplies and an outfit of clothing – all new, unused and age-appropriate.
Up To Me strives to create economic empowerment for abused women. Our 4 pillar approach includes, skills training, coaching and mentoring for sustainability, mental wellness for generational change and networking to overcome systemic challenges. Our name describes our attitude..If it is to be, it is Up To Me. Our slogan is "My Chance, My Change" Our beneficiaries are from the most disadvantaged areas of South Africa and our agreement with each beneficiary is simple..We will do our best for long as you continue to do your best for you. This proactive approach fosters confidence, accountability, the spirit of ubuntu, solidarity and ultimately a safer community.
The Stichting or Foundation Teach Nepal Project is an official charity registered in the Netherlands. Set up in 2018 to support teachers and students in Nepal, provide books and educational materials to support teaching, organise and deliver training for teachers, contribute to school improvements related to educational development and provide advice to local staff. We are working to establish computer labs into schools in the Annapurna Conservation Area in the low Himalayas. Access to computers can change the lives of the children there. Your contributions through the donations from the many companies that support charities is greatly appreciated.
In 2006 is de oprichter begonnen met voetballen met straatkinderen in ‘de stad van de eeuwige lente’ Medellin, Colombia. Na verloop van tijd deed een grote groep kinderen structureel mee. Toen kwam de vraag vanuit de kinderen: ‘Zouden we kunnen voetballen in een officiële competitie?’ ‘Daar wil ik mijn best voor doen, maar dan wil ik dat jullie naar school gaan.’ was zijn antwoord. Zo is de stichting gestart met één jongens- en één meisjesteam. Het was het begin van de stichting Children of Medellín. Nu, in 2022 staat educatie nog steeds centraal, we hebben 500 kinderen in 14 verschillende activiteiten, en wij geven de kans aan jongeren om na de middelbare school een vervolgopleiding te kunnen volgen.
READ to RISE promotes youth literacy in under-resourced communities in South Africa. The organisation hopes to get children excited about reading through its class programmes and by giving new story books to children to own. Children who love to read, will excel at school and go on to become good constructive members of society. It all starts with reading. To date, READ to RISE has conducted over 6,000 class programmes around South Africa and given out over 260,000 new story books. For only R50 per learner, they will benefit from the READ to RISE class programme and receive a brand new book to take home. We work with 20,000 children at 77 primary schools in Mitchells Plain and Soweto.
Can you imagine your wife, your sister, your mother, your daughter birthing a baby alone with no medical supplies, pain medicine, and no one there to help? All over the world, from sub-Saharan Africa to Central America, Asia, even parts of the United States, women are left to give birth alone, without life saving medicines, without pain intervention, and without support. OneMama changes this statistic by bringing medical clinics, midwives and nurses, medical supplies, and a marketplace for women to sell crafts & crops for family sustainability to rural places where people live on less than $1 per day. Just one birthing kit supports a woman giving birth and saves lives!
Ons nieuwe projekt is de aanleg van een sportveld. Umbrella of Hope ondersteunt kinderen uit financieel en sociaal zwakke milieu's in Nyeri - Kenya. Dit doen wij meestal in samenwerking met de Githwariga Primary School. Deze school, met bijna 700 leerlingen, heeft geen sportmogelijkheden. Naast de school is een braakliggend terrein, met voldoende ruimte om een basketbalveld te realiseren. Dat zou een geweldige vooruitgang zijn, tijdens schooluren kunnen de kinderen sporten, na schooltijd kan het veld gebruikt worden door verenigingen. Ons motto: Meedoen is belangrijker dan winnen. Doet u mee??
Stichting Sponsorkind Gambia zet zich in voor de kansarme kinderen in Gambia. In het dorp Manna ondersteunt de stichting een basisschool. Met hulp van de stichting vind er een verbetering plaats m.b.t de kwaliteit van het onderwijs. De muur om de school heen is gebroken. Hierdoor wordt het schoolplein bevuild door de loslopende dieren. De groente welke groeien in de schooltuin krijgen ook geen kans om te groeien. Ze worden opgegeten door de dieren. Hierdoor is er meer honger en is er geen schoolmaaltijd meer beschikbaar voor deze kinderen. Helpt u mee met het renoveren van de schoolmuur door uw donatie?
Stichting Mtangani biedt goed onderwijs aan 300 kinderen van zeer arme gezinnen in Mtangani, Kenia. De kosten hiervoor worden gedragen door sponsors in Nederland. Voor 12 euro per maand kan een kind bij ons naar school. De kinderen gaan graag naar school, maar de meisjes in de bovenbouw blijven regelmatig thuis als ze menstrueren. Ze missen hierdoor te veel lessen. Tot op heden gebruiken ze oude lappen die niet geschikt zijn om goed de dag door te komen. Met goed (wasbaar)maandverband willen we de meisjes zekerheid bieden en hun verzuim minimaliseren. Voor meer informatie over onze stichting, kijk dan op of mail naar
Mwasi Makasi staat voor sterke vrouw. Vrouwen verkrachten is in Congo een standaardoorlogswapen: verkracht alle vrouwen en meisjes in het bijzijn van hun vaders, mannen en zonen en je hebt in één klap de “fabrics of society” vernietigd. Zo verloren vrouwen hun eigenwaarden en worden ze verstoten: ze leven maar bestaan niet meer. Mwasi Makasi zet zich voor deze vrouwen in. Door landbouw activiteiten geeft Mwasi Makasi deze vrouwen een gezicht: ze worden zelfstandig en kunnen een nieuw leven opbouwen en hun kinderen naar school laten gaan. ALLES BEGINT BIJ DE MAMA’S…Wij kunnen niet iedereen helpen maar iedereen kan wel een iemand helpen. Dank alvast voor uw bijdrage.
We geven financiële ondersteuning en persoonlijke begeleiding aan leerlingen in Ghana voor een interne vervolg- of beroepsopleiding. De basis van waaruit we handelen is een kind volledig tot bloei laten komen en zijn levensdroom volledig te voelen en voeden, zonder de realiteit uit het oog te verliezen. Vanaf €1500 per jaar kan een student naar het tertiaire onderwijs. Een studie duurt 3 of 4 jaar. Help jij mee?
[NL] Hockey Dreams Foundation steunt jongeren bij het realiseren van hun ambities. Hockey is niet het doel maar het middel; onderwijs en persoonlijke ontwikkeling staan centraal. Coaches kunnen terug naar school, hun diploma behalen en een vervolgopleiding doen. Coaches zijn verantwoordelijk voor trainingen, materiaal en andere aspecten van sportverenigingen. Zo ontwikkelen ze competenties om ook buiten het veld met vertrouwen dromen na te jagen. Coaches zijn tegelijkertijd rolmodellen en bieden duizenden kinderen een veilige en leerzame omgeving. [EN] Hockey Dreams enables a better future through hockey. Community-based learning is co-created in Hockey Dreams Hubs. Coaches benefit from both formal and non-formal education. Coaches are positive role models and create a safe space for thousands of kids.
Carers Unite is a registered NPO run by Nicole Roberts, who aims to change the world one human at a time with your help. Our aim is to assist and empower the people in the community doing good that gets over looked because they don't have all the paper work needed. We assist good doers by raising awareness on our platform and providing them with our network and resources. We share our resources and network with people who share the same vision and who believes in community upliftment and sharing. We have created an activity book that helps underprivilege children to learn how to read and write, while providing them a meal and stationary with every pack distributed
Masicorp works for the people of Masiphumelele township, where we estimate more than 40,000 people live disadvantaged and poor by the legacy of apartheid. Since 1999, our work has made a proven difference to the lives of people in Masiphumelele. Our focus is education — the surest route out of poverty. Our projects cover pre-school to adult learners — we are partners in education for life. Please contact us and join our team as a fundraiser, donor or volunteer. You will be very welcome — there is so much still to do.
Fundanani Afrika is a youth discipleship and development non-profit organisation/ company established in 2020 by young people with a passion for the youth, discipleship and development. Our Projects and Programs: 1. Life Skills Training - this includes our menstrual hygiene, teen pregnancy, career guidance, tutoring and upliftment workshops and programs in schools and communities. 2. Skills Training - Innovation days, digital literacy training, hydroponic & urban farming, business training, sewing and culinary skills. 3. Sports - All Stars United FC (soccer team in Mamelodi West) 4. Community Youth Groups - Discipling youth by transforming the youth culture around them 5. Volunteerism
With the continuous rise of Human Trafficking and GBVF in South Africa, ACT Africa has set up a board game project (digital & hardcopy) aimed at educating young girls and boys starting in our South African schools then across the continent, then the rest of the globe about Human Trafficking and the pandemic of GBVF in order to educate and inform young male and female children about Human Trafficking and GBVF and prevent them from becoming perpetrators and or victims. Using play as a form of learning, the board games are intended to teach with understanding about various aspects of these issues. With the belief that instilling correct knowledge into young minds about Human Trafficking and GBVF from a tender age. The goal of this project is through corrective learning; our children will choose to not be future perpetrators of GBVF as well as get caught up in Human Trafficking as victims and/or as recruiters. We are aiming to reach 13 million school children across 25 000 schools in South Africa. The games will be group interactive, challenging and engaging. Designed for school children 10 to 18 years of age; it will use age-appropriate and quick-to-understand language. ™️
The Last Remnant Community Outreach NPO 217-065, is a Non-Profit Organisation. The organisation is a completely independent non-profit that supports and implements community programs, projects, and events. Raising awareness relating to social challenges like Lifeskills,GBV, DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE, GANGSTERISM, DISASTERS..including relieving poverty. TLRCO NPO aims to develop and educate women, youth, children, and later men, on life skills, trying to influence and encourage social change. TLRCO NPO's purpose is to equip communities with life skills while also developing participants through active teaching methods. to provide professional help to communities to excite people about opportunities and technology. The goal is to serve as a light of HOPE and restore dignity to poverty-ridden communities...especially our women, youth, and children.
Women who come from disadvantaged backgrounds are given the opportunity to turn their lives around. This Program focuses on Woman and Girls who do not have the privilege of accessing computers and hence we have designed this programme to equip them with the knowledge of basic computer usage. Women attend workshops to help motivate, encourage and nurture them with the necessary skills which, in turn, allows them to become financially independent. Meanwhile, the Girls and Women get better access to Education. The structure of this programme facilitates exposure to simple computer operations, email usage and furthermore, attempts to introduce them to the world of MS- Word, Excel & PowerPoint.
Caring for children and their families in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch We feed 2000 children daily, and provide 30 internships for unemployed youths who work as education activators with Grade R - Grade 6 learners daily at our centre. We provide 100 unemployed women monthly food parcels as a supportive intervention for six months on our Sustainable Livelihoods Programme. We have vegetable gardens, workshops, training, mentorship, counselling and a book-sharing library for parents cannot afford to send their children to creche.
The Pebbles Project is a non-profit organisation founded in 2004, driven by the values of courage, commitment, compassion and integrity. Working with children from birth to 25 years they seek to support Western Cape farming communities by creating life-changing opportunities that target vulnerable children and their families. What makes Pebbles unique is the holistic support it offers, from health and nutrition to academic intervention, special educational needs, social and emotional support, and parent and community engagement.
In today’s world, a one-size-fits-all approach to community transformation is often impractical, as no two communities share the same poverty indicators, demographics, assets, and pain points. Our programmes deliver sustainable solutions to problems that have been mapped at community level. Love Howick delivers community transformation in the KZN Midlands by working to eliminate poverty and unemployment, rebuild and maintain community infrastructure, create a positive community narrative, and sustain the environment. Love Howick operations are powered by dynamic public/private partnerships we develop between stakeholders.
Without access to accurate menstrual education, girls are often absent from school during menstruation, missing up to four days of school every month. 1/3 of girls in South Africa report staying out of school during menstruation, others drop out of school completely. The reason is often as simple as they cannot afford, or do not have access to, basic feminine hygiene products. Wild Hearts Foundation Africa was founded to keep girls in school, and is committed to addressing the problems of menstrual education and accessible hygiene products while employing women to work in our factory which has manufactured and distributed over 68 000 reusable sanitary pads to school girls.
The youth at our Courage Youth Schools are underserved and continually face issues such as dysfunctional/abusive families, substance abuse, gender-based violence, teen pregnancy and poverty. Due to these circumstances, they are hampered in their academic progress by overcrowded classrooms, a general lack of discipline within their schools, and little parental support for solid academic performance. This contributes to them facing prospects of tertiary education or employment after graduation. We address these challenges and assist youth through our broad-based education programs. As a team, we are passionate and dedicated to helping the youth in South Africa.
The Western Province Chinese Association (WPCA) is a non-profit formed to support the Chinese community in the Western Cape. The WPCA Community Centre hosts sporting, educational and cultural activities run by groups within or connected to the organisation. We provide a safe environment for the intergenerational community and friends to socialise, grow and learn from each other. The centre hosts several events including a Chinese New Year lunch and annual Chinese Food Fair to celebrate Chinese culture. Many of the fundraising initiatives are for the upkeep of the premises, without which would fall into disrepair. The centre remains a home to develop and grow friendships and relationships.
Our missing is to create opportunities for young people living in disadvantaged communities, giving them the tools they need to succeed in life. We provide a range of services to support young people in their educational pursuits and personal growth including the Sustainable Development Goals Book Club. The book club is for children aged 6 to 13. We also have a sports programme to keep children off the streets. The programme cconsists of a netball club and a boys soccer team. We plan on expanding it to include basketball as well as a girls soccer club. We rely on the support of donors and volunteers to continue providing services and implementing programmes for our communities.
Mpumalanga Youth Council Organisation a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable children and youth in our community. We are thrilled to learn about your commitment to supporting charitable causes and would like to request your assistance in our project - Myco Shoe Drive. The Myco Shoe Drive is an initiative aimed at providing shoes to vulnerable children and youth, especially school shoes. Many children in our community come from low-income families and cannot afford new shoes, which can have a significant impact on their health, education, and self-esteem. By providing them with comfortable and durable shoes, we hope to improve their quality of life.
Abalimi Bezekhaya (meaning farmers of the home in isiXhosa) is a non-profit urban-farming organization, established in 1982, that supports individuals and groups from disadvantaged communities in Cape Town through providing facilitation and training on organic food production for nutrition, health, food security and income generation. Abalimi provides support services based on five pillars of development: • Training and extension services • Access to affordable agri-resources • Infrastructure support and soil building • Market access • Social and Organisational support Vegetables are grown for own use and income generation in the townships.
Stichting Dom-ray biedt kinderen en jongvolwassenen in Cambodja een beter toekomst perspectief. Een van haar projecten is het CountrySide Education Project, dat onderwijs en scholarships verzorgt voor kinderen en jongvolwassenen uit een arme boerengemeenschap op het Cambodjaanse platteland. Het project is de afgelopen jaren flink gegroeid en inmiddels willen meer dan 300 kinderen meedoen met het project. Vaak zijn zij de eersten in hun families die naar school gaan en deze ook succesvol afronden. Om al deze leergierige kinderen en jongeren onderwijs te kunnen blijven bieden hopen we een tweede leraar te kunnen betalen. Help onze kinderen en shop via! Meer weten? Bekijk ook eens onze website of volg ons op sociale media!
Pay It Forward is a 2000 American drama film based on the novel of the same name by Catherine Ryan Hyde. We have chosen this name as this is how we wish the Organization to run. We, through our valued Members, and after assessment, will if deemed necessary, assist. We ask that when the family assisted are back 'up', that they help us to help others, thus, Pay It Forward.............. Started due to a need in one Community in August 2011 and currently with over 37000 Followers, we are able to assist through specific Projects (on a Project by Project basis in any areas of South Africa, and even beyond the borders. See our Facebook Page here -
In our project areas, the lives of approximately 2000 vulnerable children hang in the balance, struggling with distress, depression, and the weight of limited opportunities. They yearn for hope, for a brighter future that seems just out of reach. With your help, we can be the beacon of light in their lives. Our project strives to better the lives of orphaned & vulnerable children by meeting their immediate needs & empowering them for a brighter future. We're committed to ensuring every child has access to education. Your donation has the power to transform their despair into dreams, making the impossible possible. Join us today & be the ray of hope these children so desperately need.
The DO MORE FOUNDATION ignites collaboration to sustainably support the well-being of young children in under-served communities in South Africa. Through our national initiatives, we invite mission-aligned supporters to join us in delivering nutritious porridge, quality early learning resources and a one-of-kind parenting programme across the country. In our intensive community support initiatives, we bring together different spheres of government, non-profit organisations, academic institutions, businesses and local champions of change, to co-create environments that enable young children to flourish.
Irene Home is honoured to serve the most vulnerable in our community by providing residential care, health care, and protected workshops while creating opportunity and hope for persons with intellectual disabilities. For us at Irene Homes, it is crucial to create a stable environment where those with an intellectual disability can enjoy being active citizens of our community and benefit from all the basic rights they are entitled to. We aim to promote empowerment and assist in creating real opportunities for the vulnerable people we serve. When our residents and day workers are empowered, they become representatives of change, and can more readily embrace their own potential,
African Angels provides a quality primary school education for children from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. We are located in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, just 40km outside East London. In the absence of any other affordable, quality education being provided by the State, the African Angels Independent School is a beacon of hope for the 156 children who attend school each day. The school provides well equipped classrooms, qualified and experienced teachers, a properly applied curriculum, safe, homely hostels as well as porridge for breakfast and a hot lunch for each child every day. It is hard for children to learn if they are hungry.
Help A Child South Africa is a registered Non-Profit Organization (264-750 NPO) which creates a positive lasting change in the lives of children who are less fortunate and living in devastatingly difficult situations by providing food, clothing and education. We carefully select and target exceptionally talented children with amazing potential but limiting conditions due to their poor background. We ensure that these children are afforded a fair chance to a bright future by creating conditions that allow them to thrive and become the absolute best versions of themselves! - Find out more on:
Our vision is to improve the academic and social well-being of learners and students. Our mission is to: (1) motivate, mentor, monitor and provide career guidance to learners and students; (2) see an overall improvement in academic and social well-being of learners and students; and (3) equip learners and students with psycho-social skills, menstrual cycle awareness and mental health awareness. Our strategies include: (1) Academic; (2) Psycho-social; and (3) Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture. Our events include: (1) Tutoring and Mentoring; (2) Sanitary Donations; (3) Career Exhibition; (4) Stationery and Uniform Donations; (4) Fun Run and Hiking Activities; and (5) Motivational Talks.
Join Siyakhana Food Gardens in their mission to empower communities and ensure sustainable food security worldwide. Learn about our community-led agriculture, nutrition education, climate-resilient solutions, and empowerment programs. Support our cause and make a tangible difference in the lives affected by food insecurity. Together, let's create a world where everyone has access to nutritious food and build a sustainable future.
The Almond Tree is a registered Child & Youth Care centre located in Cloverdene, Benoni. They operate from a large Children's Village which encompasses a baby home, six permanent cluster homes, a preschool, and an independent primary school. They place abandoned babies and vulnerable children into a family environment where they receive unconditional love, spiritual discipleship, care and nurture, ensuring that all their physical, emotional and mental needs are met. The Almond Tree believes in like-minded partnerships, working together to achieve more in support of vulnerable children in South Africa.
Love Story is a non-profit organization in Gqeberha, South Africa, that seeks to meet the needs of the poor and marginalized. OUR PROJECTS: COMMUNITY SOUP KITCHENS We provide food and gas to 29 soup kitchens and 22 Early Learning Centers. LOVE SANDWICHES We supply sandwiches to underprivileged schools. HOSPITAL OUTREACH We visit the maternity wards in our local hospitals to distribute gift parcels to new mothers. EDU-LIBRARIES We supply libraries to schools consisting of books and educational equipment to assist children in their development. LOVE GARDENS We develop food gardens in poverty-stricken areas to create food sustainability.
Graskop animals in need is an animal shelter that rescues, rehabilitates and re homes animals. We work in the disadvantaged areas of our community and have a feeding scheme and sterilization campaign. Due to a 70% unemployment rate in Graskop, donations are basically non existent, to sustain the shelter. Our sim this coming year is to acquire a large piece of land where a Graskop Town Shelter can be built.
Thárros Family Centre was founded in 2016 and is the only resource centre in the rural town of Hankey, EC. Our services directly impact children and families and focus on creating healthy and safe environments where children can thrive. Our approach is based on our TEN10 Care Plan, concentrating on Therapeutic, Educational and Nurturing Care, which we deliver to our best capability (10/10). Programs and Projects at Thárros: * Foster Care Services * Effective Parenting Skills workshops * Pregnant and new mothers support group * Safety awareness at primary schools * Preschool Education * Awareness workshops at secondary schools * Sewing skills "Healthy Families equal Healthy Communities"!
The Cornal Hendricks Foundation (CHF) are a nonprofit organization who aims to help raise every child who we come in contact within South Africa to become the best version of themselves through education, training, and coaching. The CHF would like to be able to provide bursaries for young people toward their studies and provide sport equipment for sportsmen and women who will be competing on school provincial level. He wants them to experience that there are people who still love and care for them and who believe in them to reach their dreams and live their potential.
Building started in 2019 and the steel frame and roof erected with a clear plan and adequate funding. The Barn would become a safe space to house our special needs animals, offer facilities to generate funding for the Sanctuary, provide accommodation for visitors/volunteers/staff, and serve as a hub for our outreach programs with office and training space to facilitate this. Once started, however, COVID struck the globe. The price of steel trebled and we used our entire budget to finish the steel frame and roof. The project was halted so that the Sanctuary could weather lockdown as resources were redirected towards animal care and day to day.
Sonstraal Early Childhood Development center is based in Van Wyksdorp, we are situated in one of the poorest communities in the Southern Cape. Although we try to gather funds through functions, all our parents can't afford it. Sonstraal ECD is based on a Christian basis and no student will be denied. All children from the age of two to five years will be accepted. Sonstraal ECD and programs play an important role in early prevention which is addressing social problems in the early stages as well as the development of young children. We, therefore, like to appeal for funds/donation to fulfill our needs like food and Christmas presents for our children. Seedstrust oversees and govern the Sonstraaltjie prject.
Every child deserves to spend their early years playing and growing in a preschool where they are safe, learn from qualified teachers and meet the developmental milestones to set them up for success in Grade 1. KET services the ECD sector in the Garden Route, currently empowering 11 ECD facilities, 8262 children, 388 ECD practitioners and 2888 parents to make the most of the early years. Through teacher training, proven learning programmes, therapeutic intervention, helping ECD facilities to register, our fee support programme and feeding scheme, KET takes a holistic approach to boost education in vulnerable communities.
With all that is happening in our world today, education remains the most important key in life to help one advance outside of their circumstances. Through the Stationery Drive, we create packages to gift young children ageing between 7 and 13 years of age. The aim is encourage them too keep going, to value education and know that they have support, people rooting for them to do great. Most of the organizations we approach are for orphans or child-headed homes. Helping the less fortunate is requires a selfless act, where one reaches out beyond their own circle. At Siyenza Ngothando (Doing it with Love) we will NEVER tire of doing good!
This Project or Cause is to help vulnerable people in Need, with the large majority being children. Helping vulnerable people, children in need with: - Food - Drinking water - Clothing - Blankets - Toiletries - Accommodation - Education - Sport - Etc. Providing in their Basic Needs and more, ... Funds and Donations also needed to build a much needed Orphanage / Children's Home. Orphanage / Children's Home, for orphans, homeless, abandoned and abused children. Orphanage / Children's Home will also include Basic Education, Early Childhood Development (ECD), Sport facility, Trauma Centre for abused children.