The Last Remnant Community Outreach NPO 217-065, is a Non-Profit Organisation. The organisation is a completely independent non-profit that supports and implements community programs, projects, and events. Raising awareness relating to social challenges like Lifeskills,GBV, DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE, GANGSTERISM, DISASTERS..including relieving poverty. TLRCO NPO aims to develop and educate women, youth, children, and later men, on life skills, trying to influence and encourage social change. TLRCO NPO's purpose is to equip communities with life skills while also developing participants through active teaching methods. to provide professional help to communities to excite people about opportunities and technology. The goal is to serve as a light of HOPE and restore dignity to poverty-ridden communities...especially our women, youth, and children.
The Western Province Chinese Association (WPCA) is a non-profit formed to support the Chinese community in the Western Cape. The WPCA Community Centre hosts sporting, educational and cultural activities run by groups within or connected to the organisation. We provide a safe environment for the intergenerational community and friends to socialise, grow and learn from each other. The centre hosts several events including a Chinese New Year lunch and annual Chinese Food Fair to celebrate Chinese culture. Many of the fundraising initiatives are for the upkeep of the premises, without which would fall into disrepair. The centre remains a home to develop and grow friendships and relationships.
Our missing is to create opportunities for young people living in disadvantaged communities, giving them the tools they need to succeed in life. We provide a range of services to support young people in their educational pursuits and personal growth including the Sustainable Development Goals Book Club. The book club is for children aged 6 to 13. We also have a sports programme to keep children off the streets. The programme cconsists of a netball club and a boys soccer team. We plan on expanding it to include basketball as well as a girls soccer club. We rely on the support of donors and volunteers to continue providing services and implementing programmes for our communities.
The Mark Jeneker Foundation has been offering free Art and Craft education to the children and youth of the community of Mitchells Plain, Cape Town since 2017. Our classes provide a safe space for education, expression and Life Skills coaching. The Foundation also trains youth and provides economic opportunity and support for them to become Community Art Facilitator Teachers through the Art Learnership Programme, providing capacity building, efficacy and sustainability growth of the works of the organisation. We are currently building our Art hub at Portland Primary School in Mitchells Plain and are seeking donations for art supplies and food for the after school programme.
LETSEMA COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMME 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tswelelang Cultural Dancers has initiated a Letsema programme in the rural communities within which its members reside. Letsema is a Setswana term which denotes selfless participation by a group of community individuals in the uplifting of your community, without seeking any reward. Our Letsema programme has thus far focused on three key areas such as; COMMUNITY THEATRE • We utilise the medium of theatre to provide the much-needed acting, dance, writing, music, reading and debating skills to school-going youth. • Such an activity which we offer for free as extracurricular activity also ensures that our young people participate in m
My mission is to clarify misconceptions of people on the Cape Flats and Kasi, provide a refreshing outlook and understanding of our social structures, history and most importantly highlighting success stories, raw and uncut, through the eyes of a opposed to a foreign narrative that in most cases, does not portray the truth as their understanding of our social structure is little to none...
Our vision is to improve the academic and social well-being of learners and students. Our mission is to: (1) motivate, mentor, monitor and provide career guidance to learners and students; (2) see an overall improvement in academic and social well-being of learners and students; and (3) equip learners and students with psycho-social skills, menstrual cycle awareness and mental health awareness. Our strategies include: (1) Academic; (2) Psycho-social; and (3) Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture. Our events include: (1) Tutoring and Mentoring; (2) Sanitary Donations; (3) Career Exhibition; (4) Stationery and Uniform Donations; (4) Fun Run and Hiking Activities; and (5) Motivational Talks.
The Cornal Hendricks Foundation (CHF) are a nonprofit organization who aims to help raise every child who we come in contact within South Africa to become the best version of themselves through education, training, and coaching. The CHF would like to be able to provide bursaries for young people toward their studies and provide sport equipment for sportsmen and women who will be competing on school provincial level. He wants them to experience that there are people who still love and care for them and who believe in them to reach their dreams and live their potential.
Hangberg Dreams is a three-tiered organization that services various aspects: 1. Substance Misuse, Treatment and Intervention. 2.Therapeutic Family intervention sessions. 3. referral to outsourced clinical service providers. 4.An aligned Recovery Home 5.Re-integration and Aftercare. Second Tier: 1. Community upliftment services. 2.Vulnerable Seniors needs and being. 3.Youth empowerment programs 18-35 years Third Tier: 1.Awareness and intervention programs 2. Nourishment 3.Mentorship Programs
Entertainment for Society, a registered Non-Profit Corporation and independent booking agency with a profound mission: to harness the transformative power of music for positive social change. We are reaching out to potential corporate partners to amplify our impact through charitable events and fundraisers. Andreas Gift People with Lupus Pink Ladies Missing Persons Choc Children with Cancer Pride Shelter Homeless LGBTQA+ Haven Shelter Homeless Shelter in Kalk Bay Table View Angels Community Upliftment
Rebuild For Change is motivated to celebrate the power of play because we believe in the transformative impact it can have on children's creativity and emotional growth. Our project goal is to harness the power of visual arts and melody to spark children's creativity and boost emotional growth. Through creating a stimulating environment for children to explore creativity with paint, craft, and rhythm, we aim to foster a deep connection between emotion and creativity through free play activities. We design and set up creative arts stations and facilitate interactive sessions focusing on self-expression and emotional development. To date, our project has impacted over 300 children in underprivileged communities. To learn more about our impact and projects visit
Mwasi Makasi staat voor sterke vrouw. Vrouwen verkrachten is in Congo een standaardoorlogswapen: verkracht alle vrouwen en meisjes in het bijzijn van hun vaders, mannen en zonen en je hebt in één klap de “fabrics of society” vernietigd. Zo verloren vrouwen hun eigenwaarden en worden ze verstoten: ze leven maar bestaan niet meer. Mwasi Makasi zet zich voor deze vrouwen in. Door landbouw activiteiten geeft Mwasi Makasi deze vrouwen een gezicht: ze worden zelfstandig en kunnen een nieuw leven opbouwen en hun kinderen naar school laten gaan. ALLES BEGINT BIJ DE MAMA’S…Wij kunnen niet iedereen helpen maar iedereen kan wel een iemand helpen. Dank alvast voor uw bijdrage.
Music4all is een missionair project van Marcel & Lydia Zimmer. Met hun muziek willen ze graag jong en oud vertellen over de liefde van God en dit op een vrolijke, enthousiaste manier overbrengen. Met dit missionaire project komen ze graag op plekken waar weinig voor kinderen georganiseerd kan worden wegens gebrek aan financiële middelen. Door giften - o.a. door mee te doen met - kunnen zij op deze plekken toch iets betekenen voor de kinderen en voor hen een gezellig en feestelijke programma verzorgen vol met muziek, verhaaltjes en sketches.
Wij willen onze jeugd en volwassenen blijven voorzien van een gedegen muziekopleiding. Om dit te kunnen bekostigen zijn wij steeds op zoek naar donaties.
CAS International (Comité Anti Stierenvechten) is een Nederlandse stichting die zich inzet om een einde te maken aan stierengevechten, wrede patroonsfeesten met runderen en andere culturele evenementen die dierenleed veroorzaken. Zo zetten we ons ook in tegen de jacht met galgo's, podenco's en andere jachthonden in Spanje. We werken nauw samen met onze zusterorganisaties in de 8 landen waar op dit moment nog stierenvechten plaatsvindt. Onze activiteiten bestaan uit publieksvoorlichting, politieke lobby (onder andere in de EU), nemen van juridische stappen en het doen van publieksonderzoek of undercover onderzoek. Voor meer informatie zie
HKA2.0 is een sociale onderneming zonder winstoogmerk en zet kunst- en cultuuronderwijs in als een onmisbaar, verbindend en inspirerend instrument met als missie een inclusiever en daardoor rijker, meer verankerd samenleven. We werken samen met vrijwilligers met/zonder afstand tot de 'reguliere' arbeidsmarkt en werken met thema's als: vriendschap, duurzaamheid, burgerschap en inclusiviteit. Samen de wereld een stukje duurzamer maken!
De RMB is de Show- & Marchingband uit Schiedam en heeft zo’n 25 optredens per jaar. Daarnaast nemen zij ook deel aan wedstrijden om op niveau te blijven. Bij de RMB spelen 48 leden met de minimale leeftijd van 16 jaar. Dat kinderen muziek leren maken vinden wij erg leuk. Het leren bespelen van een instrument zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling. Het kunnen uiten van emoties heeft zelfs een positief effect op taalontwikkeling. De Jeugd Rijnmondband bestaat uit een kleine groep enthousiaste kinderen in de leeftijd van 7 t/m 16 jaar. Sinds 28 maart 1996 is de Rijnmondband 3 (RMB3) als podiumorkest met zo’n 30 enthousiaste muzikanten niet meer weg te denken als onderdeel van de Rijnmondband.
Museu do Computador desde 1998 preservando a história da tecnologia e ensinando as novas gerações o valor do passado para poder entender o presente e futuro.
Transforme vidas na Zona Leste de São Paulo! Há 8 anos, nossa instituição tem promovido o desenvolvimento social por meio da arte e educação, impactando positivamente as vidas de crianças, adolescentes e suas famílias. Nosso trabalho atende cerca de 56 famílias na Zona Leste de São Paulo, oferecendo oportunidades de transformação e dignidade. Nosso sonho é construir um mundo em que crianças e adolescentes de baixa renda possam exercer seus direitos e alcançar seu potencial máximo. Neste momento, precisamos da sua ajuda! Estamos em busca de parceiros e doadores para quitar nossos débitos e garantir a continuidade deste trabalho transformador.
O Instituto Voz dos Oceanos, com o apoio da UNEP (Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente) e liderado pela Família Schurmann, é um movimento global dedicado à preservação dos mares. Inspirado por mais de 40 anos de aventuras marítimas, o instituto combate a poluição plástica nos oceanos por meio de ciência, educação, inovação e arte. Suas expedições e projetos mobilizam comunidades, governos e empresas a adotarem práticas sustentáveis, promovendo um futuro mais limpo e consciente. A Voz dos Oceanos é um chamado urgente para proteger a vida marinha e o planeta. Seja você também a Voz dos Oceanos
O Instituto Cores do Mará é uma organização sem fins lucrativos, não governamental, sem filiação política ou religiosa, fundada em 2018 para contribuir com a redução das desigualdades sociais no Maranhão por meio de uma educação pautada na valorização das identidades culturais e étnicas. O Instituto trabalha com o desenvolvimento de competências socioemocionais de crianças e adolescentes a fim de despertar o pensamento crítico e consciência socioambiental, buscando promover habilidades que aprimorem as relações consigo, com o outro e com o meio. Apoie nossos projetos e colabore para a sustentabilidade das nossas atividades. Vamos juntos criar um futuro mais colorido!
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