The Future For Nature Foundation (FFN) supports young, talented, and ambitious nature conservationists committed to protecting species of wild animals and plants. We believe in the power of the individual. Therefore, we select a new generation of nature conservationists worldwide who we believe make the difference for the future of nature. Natural leaders who inspire and with their drive and ‘stubbornness’ achieve impressive results. Annually, we put three of these promising young people in the spotlight.
SOS Dolfijn is a rescue organization for cetaceans in the North sea. Based in the Netherlands the main focus is on whales, dolphins and porpoises in need of help along the Dutch coast. In the past years also animals stranded in surrounding countries have been taken into rehabilitation and advice has been given worldwide. A highly trained and experienced crew is available 24/7 to offer help and is supported by dozens of volunteers. Next to advice and operation in rescue and rehabilitation, conservation is an important part of the organization. SOS Dolfijn is completely depending on donations and sponsoring. Support our work and help us help whales and dolphins in need.
Project Growing Up is a non-profit organization that strives for educating and empowering youth in developing countries, focusing on challenging topics associated with growing up. Project Growing Up believes that knowledge and the way of teaching is the key. By reaching out to youth into their own values, traditions and culture they can use this knowledge and power to deal with difficult situations while growing up.
The Dutch foundation“Stichting Roemeense Kinderhulp”provide aid for people in bad conditions,living in Transylvania in Romania.Every year we organize a three week holiday in the Netherlands for 40 poor or underprivileged children in the age of 9–11.The main goal is to have a nice time and let the children feel they can be a child again.With our annually aid transport of relief items a lot of families will be helped with foodtickets or goods.In our children's home Tinkerbell 20 kids grow up in a family situation.There they can have a future,go to school,have a study and not only dream but really working at their own future.With your help we can make the world a little bit better. Thanks!
The Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC) is a wildlife rehabilitation and education centre in Cameroon.The centre currently provides care to more than 250 victims of the illegal wildlife trade including 15 primate species such as gorillas,chimpanzees and drills,in addition to other threatened species such as African grey parrots and pangolins.Rescued animals often arrive to the centre malnourished and in need of urgent medical attencion after they have been seized from the illegal wildlife trade.LWC provides medical care,a place of safety and a much-needed second chance for wildlife in need.Wherever possible,the LWC aim is to return rehabilitated wildlife back to the wild.
The Java Village foundation focuses on health, education and economic independence for the most vulnerable inhabitants of the Indonesian village of Cisarua. We stimulate and support local initiatives to break the vicious circle of poverty and to work together for a brighter future. Our mission The foundation bases its activities on the demands, needs and priorities of the villagers. We focus mainly on the most vulnerable groups in the village: children, youth and women who are the wage-earners of their families, ensuring that the offered will improve self-reliance and solidarity. For more information please see
We drive voluntarily for injured and sick animals and the aim is to bring the animals from a to b, eg grooming salon, holiday address, etc. we do not receive subsidies from the municipality and government, we only rely on gifts and donations from residents in our area we can purchase work clothes for the donations we receive for this any donation is welcome thank you on behalf of the animal ambulance
Out of the 1.8 million teenagers that live in the Netherlands 90% have never had the chance to hear the Gospel, the greatest story every told. We not only believe that those kids need to hear about Jesus, we think they deserve it and are 100% committed to reach them, one after the other. We want to reach kids who can't be reached by the church. Who are deaf to the Gospel. We want to befriend them, build relationships and earn the right to tell them about Jesus and open their ears and hearts for what God has to say to them. We want to be there for them and show them what unconditional love looks like. So they can be who they were intended to be and live life to the fullest.
By the Ocean we Unite is a registered Dutch charity that creates Ocean Ambassadors who are dedicated to reduce their plastic footprint. Our goal is to create systematic behavioral change with consumers, companies and politicians by showing them the beauty of our oceans and confront them with the magnitude of plastic pollution at the same time. With our own citizens' science and sailing expeditions and educational programs, we empower Ocean Ambassadors to become an activated citizen. We have been active since 2016. Since then our community of Ocean Ambassadors has been growing. You can also join our movement and help to protect our oceans, the animals and ourselves against plastic pollution.
To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, and assisting them to integrate into society raising public awareness of the issues affecting neurodivergent people, their parents and carers, both generally and in relation to their social exclusion; providing workshops, forums, advocacy and general, advice, information, support, range of Activities: Beneficiaries: People with disabilities, the general public/mankind, Purposes: General charitable purposes, education/training, the advancement of health or saving of lives, human rights/religious or racial harmony/equality or diversity
One of the most adventurous projects ‘People to People Foundation’ has ever embarked upon is the creation of the ‘ProRroma School’. Education is a priority for People to People because we know that better levels of education could offer poor children a future full of hope. We also know that education is a key factor in breaking the cycle of deprivation that many of these poor families face.
This is a project to make our city clean and green. We want it to be cozy and comfortable for people to live in.
Let's feed the hungry!
The church is located in Sterling, IN, and has been in operation since 2004. We spread the Word of the Lord and bring more people to serve Him.
Get healthy and have a lot of fun with us playing soccer!
University of Canton is an old school and is proud to have taught thousands of students.
Out of the 1.8 million teenagers that live in the Netherlands 90% have never had the chance to hear the Gospel, the greatest story every told. We not only believe that those kids need to hear about Jesus, we think they deserve it and are 100% committed to reach them, one after the other. We want to reach kids who can't be reached by the church. Who are deaf to the Gospel. We want to befriend them, build relationships and earn the right to tell them about Jesus and open their ears and hearts for what God has to say to them. We want to be there for them and show them what unconditional love looks like. So they can be who they were intended to be and live life to the fullest.
We help the village of Shamu in Kenya to return to independence. On our land we teach the people how to grow fruit and vegetables. We also teach people to make school uniforms and craft from the crack of the coconut. For our green project we need tools, seeds, young fruit trees and manure. We need your help with that. lets go green
Мы являемся Христианской миссией в Китае чтобы привести больше людей к личному общению с Господом.
The Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC) is a wildlife rehabilitation and education centre in Cameroon.The centre currently provides care to more than 250 victims of the illegal wildlife trade including 15 primate species such as gorillas,chimpanzees and drills,in addition to other threatened species such as African grey parrots and pangolins.Rescued animals often arrive to the centre malnourished and in need of urgent medical attencion after they have been seized from the illegal wildlife trade.LWC provides medical care,a place of safety and a much-needed second chance for wildlife in need.Wherever possible,the LWC aim is to return rehabilitated wildlife back to the wild.
Child’s Destiny of Hope (CDHope) is a foundation that aims to bring hope to vulnerable and underprivileged children in Chawolo Uganda. We want to make a difference so that they have hope again for a future with a purpose. We do this in our children’s home, kindergarten, primary and secondary school, as well as in the community and the church in Chawolo in Eastern Uganda.
For more than 20 years we have been engaged in spiritual education and guidance of children. We conduct worship services, equip teenagers spiritually, and help some small projects and assist with the needs of people in our region. We organize events and gatherings. Unfortunately, our community has recently been hit twice by floods, and the building has fallen into utter disrepair. All furniture, equipment, educational materials and books were destroyed. Part of the building rotted away, since the water level reached as high as 80 cm. Now we are in dire need of financial support for the construction of the second floor of the building for the Children Ministry and school.
A TREEvolution – a world where people and nature thrive together. Greenpop is an award-winning registered non-profit organisation headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa. We work to restore ecosystems and empower environmental stewards through forest restoration, urban greening, food gardening, and environmental awareness projects across Sub- Saharan Africa. Founded in 2010, we have planted over 150,000 trees and inspired over 132,000 active citizens across South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, and Tanzania.
Nuestro objetivo general es romper el ciclo del crimen. Lograr una verdadera reinserción social de las personas privadas de libertad, brindándoles acompañamiento mediante procesos restaurativos en las áreas espiritual, emocional, moral, legal, académica y laboral.
Hockey Dreams enables a better future through hockey. Community-based learning is co-created in Hockey Dreams Hubs. Coaches benefit from both formal and non-formal education. Coaches are positive role models and create a safe space for thousands of kids. Kids can engage in weekly trainings, or participate in camps or leagues. Besides hockey, there is attention to a social theme and to life skills. Together they play, share, learn and grow. Together, the coaches and players of today, are the game changers of tomorrow.
"იყიდე sellwise - ზე შენთვის სასურველი პროდუქცია ონლაინ, მთელი საქართველოს მასშტაბით, საუკეთესო პირობებითა და მაქსიმალური კომფორტით. სისწრაფე, სანდოობა, ხარისხი ეს sellwise - ის უმთავრესი მიზანია. რას გთავაზობთ: - მარტივი და მოქნილი ვებგვერდი; - პროდუქტების ფართო არჩევანი; - სახლიდან გაუსვლელად სასურველი პროდუქტის 24/7 ყიდვის შესაძლებლობა; - სწრაფი მიტანის სერვისი; sellwise - ზე განვადების გარდა სხვადასხვა გადახდის მეთოდი გვაქვს, იხდი როგორც ბარათით, ასევე საბანკო გადარიცხვით და ნაღდი ანგარიშსწორებით. sellwise უზრუნველყოფს ნივთების მიწოდებას საქართველოს მასშტაბით. თბილისში შეკვეთას მიიღებ 1-3, ხოლო რეგიონში 2-5 სამუშაო დღის განმავლობაში. sellwise - როცა სიმარტივე გიყვარს! როცა დრო მნიშვნელოვ
Les Amis de Gambie ont déjà apporté leur aide dans de nombreux domaines en Gambie. Nous voulons continuer à le faire. Les projets les plus importants auxquels nous participons actuellement sont les suivants : 1. la maison des enfants. En 2005, nous avons commencé à construire un foyer pour enfants qui a ouvert ses portes en janvier 2009. Depuis lors, 25 enfants vivent dans le foyer. L'objectif est de fournir un foyer sûr pour 30 enfants à l'avenir. En outre, nous leur enseignons l'importance de construire ensemble un monde durable et un meilleur climat. Nous utilisons des panneaux solaires et une éolienne pour notre approvisionnement en énergie, nous disposons de nos propres "forages" pour l'eau potable et nous travaillons autant que possible de manière neutre en termes de CO2. Les enfants restent jusqu'à l'âge de 18 ans, après quoi nous essayons de les aider à poursuivre leur éducation et à leur trouver un foyer. 2. Projets pour la population locale. Il s'agit de projets qui visent à soutenir la population locale, par exemple en construisant des "forages" (robinets d'eau) pour obtenir de l'eau potable propre et sûre et en aménageant des terrains de football avec des tribunes. L'association Les Amis de la Gambie est également enregistrée sur le site ShopDonation aux Pays-Bas. Plus d'informations sur cette page:
Make-A-Wish Nederland bestaat sinds 1989 en vervult ieder jaar ruim 600 liefste wensen van kinderen tussen 3 en 18 jaar met een ernstige, soms zelfs levensbedreigende ziekte. Elke dag horen gemiddeld 4 families in Nederland dat hun kind een ernstige, soms zelfs levensbedreigende ziekte heeft. Het gezinsleven verandert in één klap totaal. Die impact is moeilijk voor te stellen. Make-A-Wish Nederland wil al deze jonge patiënten een positieve boost meegeven. Een ervaring die ze sterker maakt. En vertrouwen en kracht geeft voor de toekomst.
The Santa Shoebox Project originated in 2006 with 180 shoeboxes. In 16 years it has reached a total of 1 077 289 underprivileged children. The shoeboxes are distributed to more than 1000 recipient facilities each year, through more than 60 satellites around South Africa and Namibia. Donors give gifts of essential items and treats to children whose names, ages and genders are known. The minimum 8 required items are a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a wash cloth, sweets, a toy, school supplies and an outfit of clothing – all new, unused and age-appropriate.
Somos un refugio de amor y bienestar para perros y gatos en San Martín de las Flores, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México. Les ofrecemos tratamientos, refugio, y cariño hasta que encuentren un hogar. Extendemos nuestra ayuda más allá de nuestra zona, alcanzando a aquellos de otras áreas de la ciudad. Necesitamos recursos diversos, apoyo veterinario, manejo conductual, soporte nutricional, entre tantas otras cosas para el bienestar de los perros rescatados. No contamos con respaldo gubernamental ni privado; dependemos de donativos y estrategias creativas de recaudación.
Suisse Santé Haïti (SSH) finance et fournit un système de soins ambulatoires en santé primaire à la population de la vallée de l’Artibonite en Haïti. En 2020, près de 46'000 consultations qui ont été dispensés et 390 bébés ont vu le jour dans notre maternité. Nos 50 employé.e.s haï se répartissent le travail dans 2 centres de santé, 2 cliniques fixes et parcourent la montagne pour des campagnes de prévention. La grande majorité de notre clientèle sont des femmes et des enfants. Sans ces infrastructures, cette population ne disposerait d’aucuns soins médicaux. SSH est basée à Biel/Bienne (BE). 16 personnes bénévoles sont actives en CH. 95% des dons récoltés arrivent sur place.
The Cap sur Haïti association would like to first build a neighborhood center in a disadvantaged area of northern Haiti, with the aim of helping families. These neighborhood centers will have a library, a games library, a canteen, a garden for the production of fresh food, an infirmary and a playground. They will also provide job training and skills development services to help adults find employment and escape poverty. By creating these Neighborhood Houses, Cap sur Haïti hopes to offer a sustainable solution to help families improve their quality of life.Thanks for your help
Up To Me strives to create economic empowerment for abused women. Our 4 pillar approach includes, skills training, coaching and mentoring for sustainability, mental wellness for generational change and networking to overcome systemic challenges. Our name describes our attitude..If it is to be, it is Up To Me. Our slogan is "My Chance, My Change" Our beneficiaries are from the most disadvantaged areas of South Africa and our agreement with each beneficiary is simple..We will do our best for long as you continue to do your best for you. This proactive approach fosters confidence, accountability, the spirit of ubuntu, solidarity and ultimately a safer community.
Als dierenvriend wil je juist die dieren helpen, die hulp het hardste nodig hebben. Gelukkig is Nederland vrijwel het enige land ter wereld zonder zwerfhonden. Terwijl hier toch meer dan 600 dierenambulances rondrijden, er een dierenpolitie is, een dieren-alarmlijn (tel. 144) en vrijwel iedere stad heeft zijn eigen keurige en gesubsidieerde asiel. Hoe anders is dat in andere landen. Daar worden zwerfdieren vaak zwaar mishandeld en liggen dan vaak lang gewond op straat. Gelukkig zijn er ook dierenvrienden in die landen die deze dieren wel liefdevol willen helpen. Maar zij hebben daar vaak niet de financiële middelen voor. Stichting Dierennood spoort hen op en na een strenge selectie kijken zij wie welke hulp het beste kan gebruiken. Doe je ook mee? Kijk maar op hun website
Oxfam Novib staat achter iedereen die strijdt voor gelijkheid. Mensen die op hun eigen manier strijden tegen groeiende verschillen. Tegen onrecht. Tegen klimaatverandering, dat de meest kwetsbaren het hardst raakt. Mensen die opkomen voor eerlijke lonen. Voor het recht zichzelf te kunnen zijn en te houden van wie ze willen. Oxfam Novib werkt samen met jeugdbewegingen, grassroots-organisaties en het maatschappelijk middenveld aan gelijkheid. We staan achter ze met geld. Met kennis. Met lef. Met onze duizenden medewerkers. En met onze miljoenen supporters. Want alleen met elkaar pakken we ongelijkheid aan bij de wortel. Om zo de systemen die daarachter zitten voor eens en voor altijd te veranderen.
The Stichting or Foundation Teach Nepal Project is an official charity registered in the Netherlands. Set up in 2018 to support teachers and students in Nepal, provide books and educational materials to support teaching, organise and deliver training for teachers, contribute to school improvements related to educational development and provide advice to local staff. We are working to establish computer labs into schools in the Annapurna Conservation Area in the low Himalayas. Access to computers can change the lives of the children there. Your contributions through the donations from the many companies that support charities is greatly appreciated.
Zoë werd toen ze 4 maanden oud was levenloos in bed aangetroffen op de opvang. Ze is 20 minuten gereanimeerd en met de traumahelikopter naar het Radboudumc in Nijmegen gebracht. Daar werd ze in kunstmatige coma gehouden. Een week lang wisten we niet of ze het zou gaan halen. Ze heeft ernstig hersenletsel als gevolg van zuurstoftekort. Ze heeft Cerebrale Parese, dystonie en CVI. Motorisch loopt ze erg achter. Naast de reguliere therapieën volgen we ook ABM therapie. Dit speelt in op de hersenplasticiteit, zorgt voor nieuwe bewegingspatronen. Hierdoor ontwikkelt ze en zit ze veel beter in haar vel! Helaas wordt dit (nog) niet vergoed. De therapie kost ons €3000 per jaar. Heel erg bedankt!
ONDERSTEUN ALLE VROUWEN! Help mee aan VROEGTJDIGE EN PIJNLOZE SIGNALERING VAN BORSTKANKER VOOR IEDEREEN. Met de ontwikkeling van de Early Warning Scan voor borstkanker. Alle vrouwen jong en oud hun levenlang bewaakt! DAAR HELP JE AAN MEE. GEWELDIG, TOCH!?
Stichting SPOTS zet zich in voor de bescherming van bedreigde, wilde katachtigen. Belangrijke doelstelling naast fondsenwerving is het geven van voorlichting want veel mensen weten niet dat het vijf voor twaalf is voor dieren zoals de cheetah, luipaard en leeuw.
Elke twee minuten sterft ergens ter wereld een vrouw aan baarmoederhalskanker. Ruim 85% van deze vrouwen is afkomstig uit ontwikkelingslanden. Het gaat vaak om jonge moeders die de spil zijn van het huishouden en onmisbaar zijn voor het gezinsinkomen. Wanneer zij wegvallen heeft dit grote gevolgen voor de familie en voor het dorp waarin zij wonen. Female Cancer Foundation streeft naar een wereld zonder baarmoederhalskanker. Dit doen wij door het ter plekke verlenen van zorg (screening en behandeling), het geven van educatie en voorlichting en het verrichten van onderzoek in het betreffende land. We werken hierbij altijd samen met een lokale partner. Daarbij richten we ons op goede voorlichting voor vrouwen (en mannen!) en trainen we lokale gezondheidswerkers in de See & Treat methode. Dit is een kosteneffectieve en simpele methode waarbij een vrouw onderzocht wordt op de voorstadia van baarmoederhalskanker en, indien nodig, direct behandeld wordt. Zie voor meer informatie:
Empowering Girls Gambia heeft als doel het empoweren van jonge meisjes zodat zij eigen keuzes kunnen maken en nee durven zeggen tegen seksueel geweld, ongeplande zwangerschappen en kind huwelijken. Door voorlichting en weerbaarheidstrainingen aan te bieden wordt de zelfredzaamheid bevorderd. Daarnaast bied het project een naaiopleiding aan 15 meiden.
READ to RISE promotes youth literacy in under-resourced communities in South Africa. The organisation hopes to get children excited about reading through its class programmes and by giving new story books to children to own. Children who love to read, will excel at school and go on to become good constructive members of society. It all starts with reading. To date, READ to RISE has conducted over 6,000 class programmes around South Africa and given out over 260,000 new story books. For only R50 per learner, they will benefit from the READ to RISE class programme and receive a brand new book to take home. We work with 20,000 children at 77 primary schools in Mitchells Plain and Soweto.
Je euro gaat rechtstreeks naar ons ziekenhuis in Sierra Leone. Daar helpen we zwangere vrouwen en baby’s aan een zekere toekomst. Door voorlichting, controles en medicijnen. En zijn er complicaties dan halen we de vrouwen thuis op en opereren ze in ons ziekenhuis. Met uw geld kunnen we dat nog beter blijven doen. Dank namens de vrouwen en baby’s in Sierra Leone. Volg je donatie via onze nieuwsbrief op