Aniko Home is an assisted living facility that provides skilled caregiver services, special care and personal care services to residents with autism, intellectual disability, moderate to severe syndromes and comorbidities. Aniko Home NPC was created to provide housing for a group of young disabled adults, and to introduce our programs into the system where we provide these adults with basic human experiences, activities, and engagements that they otherwise would not have access to.
Love Story is a non-profit organization in Gqeberha, South Africa, that seeks to meet the needs of the poor and marginalized. OUR PROJECTS: COMMUNITY SOUP KITCHENS We provide food and gas to 29 soup kitchens and 22 Early Learning Centers. LOVE SANDWICHES We supply sandwiches to underprivileged schools. HOSPITAL OUTREACH We visit the maternity wards in our local hospitals to distribute gift parcels to new mothers. EDU-LIBRARIES We supply libraries to schools consisting of books and educational equipment to assist children in their development. LOVE GARDENS We develop food gardens in poverty-stricken areas to create food sustainability.
Thárros Family Centre was founded in 2016 and is the only resource centre in the rural town of Hankey, EC. Our services directly impact children and families and focus on creating healthy and safe environments where children can thrive. Our approach is based on our TEN10 Care Plan, concentrating on Therapeutic, Educational and Nurturing Care, which we deliver to our best capability (10/10). Programs and Projects at Thárros: * Foster Care Services * Effective Parenting Skills workshops * Pregnant and new mothers support group * Safety awareness at primary schools * Preschool Education * Awareness workshops at secondary schools * Sewing skills "Healthy Families equal Healthy Communities"!
The Cornal Hendricks Foundation (CHF) are a nonprofit organization who aims to help raise every child who we come in contact within South Africa to become the best version of themselves through education, training, and coaching. The CHF would like to be able to provide bursaries for young people toward their studies and provide sport equipment for sportsmen and women who will be competing on school provincial level. He wants them to experience that there are people who still love and care for them and who believe in them to reach their dreams and live their potential.
Building started in 2019 and the steel frame and roof erected with a clear plan and adequate funding. The Barn would become a safe space to house our special needs animals, offer facilities to generate funding for the Sanctuary, provide accommodation for visitors/volunteers/staff, and serve as a hub for our outreach programs with office and training space to facilitate this. Once started, however, COVID struck the globe. The price of steel trebled and we used our entire budget to finish the steel frame and roof. The project was halted so that the Sanctuary could weather lockdown as resources were redirected towards animal care and day to day.
According to the IOM child trafficking is a reality in Tanzania and that children are trafficked especially within the country, from one district to another and from rural villages to urban areas also from other countries to Tanzania either as the destination point or in transit. The victims of internal trafficking reportedly include girls and boys between 10 and 17 years old, who are trafficked from rural to urban areas for domestic labour or child prostitution. Trafficking of children in domestic labour, continues and is being sustained by poverty coupled with parental sickness and deaths, caregivers allow children to go to urban centers to work as house keepers
Every child deserves to spend their early years playing and growing in a preschool where they are safe, learn from qualified teachers and meet the developmental milestones to set them up for success in Grade 1. KET services the ECD sector in the Garden Route, currently empowering 11 ECD facilities, 8262 children, 388 ECD practitioners and 2888 parents to make the most of the early years. Through teacher training, proven learning programmes, therapeutic intervention, helping ECD facilities to register, our fee support programme and feeding scheme, KET takes a holistic approach to boost education in vulnerable communities.
This Project or Cause is to help vulnerable people in Need, with the large majority being children. Helping vulnerable people, children in need with: - Food - Drinking water - Clothing - Blankets - Toiletries - Accommodation - Education - Sport - Etc. Providing in their Basic Needs and more, ... Funds and Donations also needed to build a much needed Orphanage / Children's Home. Orphanage / Children's Home, for orphans, homeless, abandoned and abused children. Orphanage / Children's Home will also include Basic Education, Early Childhood Development (ECD), Sport facility, Trauma Centre for abused children.
Home of Hope is a registered non-profit organisation that provides care services for abused, abandoned, and neglected children in our country, with a focus on those affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), which is permanent brain damage caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol. We do this because we believe that every child has the right to become socially responsible adults, reaching their full God-given potential, within society.
Triple Shine Foundation NPC is a social enterprise organization committed to economically empowering disadvantaged women and youth, providing them with jobs and skills through recycling, circular business programs and play group programs in Limpopo Province. At current Triple Shine Foundation is raising funds for their local rural Limpopo communities' play parks program and sport programs.
Enhancing Community Resilience – Building resilient communities that are self-reliant and adaptable through sustainable livelihoods. • Provide community support through sponsorship, funding, education and training. • Community upliftment and growth through funding to help us provide food, daily and weekly. to those communities in need. We need unexpired and non-perishable food items or monetary contributions.
Be A Lifeline and Keep a Girl in School One third of girls can not afford sanitary products and miss school because of this. Gain Through Giving NPC, is committed to keeping our girls in school by providing them with washable reusable cloth menstrual pads that last up to 5 years. We manufacture and then distribute them in collaboration with various humanitarian relief NGOs such as Centre for Humanity, African Muslim Agency & Mustadafin Foundation. By giving a girl a set of reusable menstrual pads, YOU have kept a girl in school and given her a fighting chance to end the cycle of poverty in her home. Your donation can set the pedestal for the next female generation to build upon it.
School Shoes Sanitary pads Toiletries packs Food parcel Blankets And readiness cause for yourrh
Stichting verzamelt gegevens van alle goede doelen in Nederland, met als doel om de gehele sector meer transparant en daardoor efficiënter te krijgen.
We zien in de samenleving een steeds groter wordende kloof tussen arm & rijk, gelukkig & ongelukkig, gezond & ongezond. Wij vinden het onbegrijpelijk dat er in Nederland 220.000 kinderen opgroeien in armoede, er 36.000 mensen dakloos zijn, er meer dan 590.000 ernstig eenzame ouderen zijn en er elk jaar meer dan 35.000.000 kilo zwerfafval op straat eindigt. In onze huidige samenleving zijn deze problemen voor veel mensen niet zichtbaar. Zij blijven in hun eigen bubbel en komen niet in aanraking met deze maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Mensen die wel willen bijdragen weten vaak niet hoe en waar te beginnen. Nederland telt meer dan 1,8 miljoen bedrijven en de werkzame beroepsbevolking bestaat uit meer dan 9 miljoen mensen. Wij willen de samenleving ervan weerhouden om naar elkaar te wijzen door nú in actie te komen en onszelf af te vragen wat we eerlijk en rechtvaardig vinden. NL Cares is op een missie om mensen en organisaties in staat te stellen en te inspireren om hun tijd, vaardigheden en middelen in te zetten om de grote uitdagingen van onze tijd het hoofd te bieden. Ons doel is om een ecosysteem te bouwen van actie & impact dat dient als een hefboom om de wereld in beweging te brengen op een manier die ons alleen nooit zou lukken. Een caring society bouwen lukt je niet alleen. Er is samenwerking nodig met individuele vrijwilligers en bedrijven. Maar ook met mensen en organisaties die voor de troepen uit lopen; van maatschappelijke organisaties tot impactnetwerken en van beleidsmakers tot fondsen. Alleen door het aangaan van samenwerkingen binnen alle facetten van de maatschappij kunnen we duurzame sociale verandering teweegbrengen. NL Cares heeft een enorm netwerk van partners gerealiseerd dat optreedt als een hefboom voor verandering. We leggen verbindingen tussen mensen, bedrijven en maatschappelijke instellingen en organiseren actie rondom betekenisvolle impact. Op deze manier bouwen wij samen aan een ‘caring society’ en een betere wereld. NL Cares bouwt een transformatief systeem bestaande uit 3 verschillende onderdelen - (1) een online platform voor vrijwilligerswerk, (2) CSR programma’s voor bedrijven, (3) social impact events. Samen dient dit systeem als een accelerator voor mensen en organisaties om betekenisvolle impact te maken. De afgelopen jaren heeft NL Cares duurzaam impact gemaakt door jaar op jaar duizenden vrijwilligers in te zetten die samen tienduizenden kwetsbare mensen bereiken. Zo worden er voedselpakketten ingepakt bij voedselbanken, wordt er gewandeld met ouderen, gesport met kinderen, stranden en parken opgeruimd, gesocialized met dak- en thuislozen en geïntegreerd met nieuwkomers. De komende jaren wil NL Cares haar ecosysteem verder uitbouwen om nog meer impact te maken. Dat vraagt om verandering, professionalisering en innovatie. Er zijn tal van technologische innovaties die het online platform voor vrijwilligerswerk nog relevanter en toegankelijker maken. De doorontwikkeling van Social Impact Eventconcepten maakt het mogelijk om op te schalen en nog meer impact te maken. Een verdiepingsslag in de manier waarop NL Cares haar impact meer zal helpen om nog meer bedrijven te inspireren te inspireren in de maatschappij. Hier is de komende jaren veel funding voor nodig.
Abba Social Services supports South African children by offering immediate care for abandoned infants, aiding families in crisis, counseling women with unplanned pregnancies, and ensuring children have access to nutrition, education, healthcare, and emotional support. It promotes family integration, combats gender-based violence, and focuses on professional development. Committed to prevention, protection, and permanence, Abba strives for a loving, secure environment for every child.
Hangberg Dreams is a three-tiered organization that services various aspects: 1. Substance Misuse, Treatment and Intervention. 2.Therapeutic Family intervention sessions. 3. referral to outsourced clinical service providers. 4.An aligned Recovery Home 5.Re-integration and Aftercare. Second Tier: 1. Community upliftment services. 2.Vulnerable Seniors needs and being. 3.Youth empowerment programs 18-35 years Third Tier: 1.Awareness and intervention programs 2. Nourishment 3.Mentorship Programs
A.P. FOUNDATION COMMUNITY CENTRE PROJECTS THE FIGHT AGAINST GENDER BASED VIOLENCE & FEMICIDE (awareness programs) GBV VICTIM SUPPORT (free counselling) SAFE HOUSE (shelter for abused women and children) THE BRAVE & STRONG WOMEN (women empowerment through information and skills development programs) SAFE TEEN LIFE JOURNEY (educational activities for teenagers and school programs) A MEAL FOR THE NEEDY (hunger alleviation) HOMEWORK CENTRE (to support students) BOOK CLUB (promoting reading) UGOGO NOMKHULU (taking care of the elderly people) COMMUNITY UPLIFTMENT (through entrepreneurship and skills development programs)
Entertainment for Society, a registered Non-Profit Corporation and independent booking agency with a profound mission: to harness the transformative power of music for positive social change. We are reaching out to potential corporate partners to amplify our impact through charitable events and fundraisers. Andreas Gift People with Lupus Pink Ladies Missing Persons Choc Children with Cancer Pride Shelter Homeless LGBTQA+ Haven Shelter Homeless Shelter in Kalk Bay Table View Angels Community Upliftment
Organic food growing in school environments serves the children and school communities today and into the future. This outdoor learning environment connects people young and old to nature in ways that are healing for both. Our gardens ensure feeding programmes are boosted nutritionally with organic produce and we teach for the long term sustainability of this impact.
Wij steunen vanuit Nederland een hondenopvang in Noord Macedonie. De opbrengst kan naar sterilisatie's, vaccinaties, voer, medische kosten etc. gaan.
Een unieke treinreis beleving in Nederland met de luxe van de Oriënt Express. Deze trein is voor iedere doelgroep. Hier wordt u tijdens de reis verwent met culinaire gerechten.
Carers Unite is a registered NPO run by Nicole Roberts, who aims to change the world one human at a time with your help. Our aim is to assist and empower the people in the community doing good that gets over looked because they don't have all the paper work needed. We assist good doers by raising awareness on our platform and providing them with our network and resources. We share our resources and network with people who share the same vision and who believes in community upliftment and sharing. We have created an activity book that helps underprivilege children to learn how to read and write, while providing them a meal and stationary with every pack distributed
Met guerrilla gardening verover jij de grijze openbare ruimte en maak je er een groene oase van. Guerrilla gardeners wippen stoeptegels voor geveltuinen, beplanten de kale grond rond bomen en zetten bloemen tussen de standaard struiken in het gemeenteperk. Met een bloemen-explosie in jouw plaats of buurt, geef jij de biodiversiteit een flinke boost. Dat levert levende straten vol vogels, vlinders en bijen. Stichting Guerrilla Gardeners helpt je om aan de slag te gaan. Dus hup! Naar het front en aan de slag!
P.R.O.O.S.T. houdt zich bezig met de organisatie en ondersteuning van kleinschalige evenementen ter bevordering van de leefbaarheid in de kleine kern Toldijk.
Soroptimisten zetten zich wereldwijd in voor het verbeteren van de posities van meisjes en vrouwen.
Wijkvereniging Bergermeer is er voor alle inwoners van de wijk Bergermeer in Alkmaar. Van belangenbehartiging tot gezellige activiteiten: de wijkvereniging doet het allemaal!
We zijn een zangvereniging die optreedt in verzorgingshuizen. We brengen bijvoorbeeld het repertoire van André Hazes, nummers die zeer herkenbaar zijn en vaak worden meegezongen.